Services > Music
Recording Vocals
Recording your or someone elses vocals may be a little more complicated than you might think.
A few things to keep in mind...
- It is not like talking
- It is not like singing with the radio
- Your mic may pick up noises like fans or air conditioners
- Mic placement, also called 'Staging'
- Type of mic to use
- Recording Software
- Editing Software
- Correct Key
- What are you using to record
and several other things needed to get your vocals to be 'Radio Quality'
Back in The Barn Productions will handle all of the things for you.
The Cost is $60 flat rate, that is no additional charge for sudio time, mixing, or mastering.
You will be able to have 3 revisions
You will receive your vocal in MP3 and WAV formats on the media of your choice (USB CD or Email)